
作者:乐为美术积木暨乐为英雄动画 时间:2022-01-28 01:58

该吉祥物作品"乐为英雄®动画之欢虎HappyTiger@Loowi.Hero® Animation"以乐为®魔珠之欢虎造型作为基本结构图形,以乐为®魔珠、虎为设计元素,有机结合并衍化成一个“威猛、威严、爱萌”的虎形象。虎是中国十二生肖之一,富有浓郁的传统特色。该吉祥物整体颜色以明快、活泼的黄色为主,表现乐为®魔珠带来的热情与活力。该吉祥物体现威猛、威严,是勇敢、刚毅、坚强、果断、昂首阔步、大气磅礴的象征,代表了奋进精神。整体设计力求既有大众亲和形象,又有中国文化特征。

The mascot artwork "HappyTiger@Loowi.Hero® Animation" uses the happy tiger shape of Loowi® Magic Pearls as the basic structural graphic, and uses Loowi® Magic Pearls and tiger as the design elements, which are organically combined and evolved into a "mighty, majestic, cute" tiger image. Tiger is one of the twelve Chinese zodiac signs and is rich with traditional characteristics. The overall color of the mascot is mainly bright and lively yellow, which expresses the enthusiasm and vitality from Loowi® Magic Pearls. The mascot embodies mighty, majestic, and is a symbol of bravery, fortitude, strength, decisiveness, strut, and majesty, and represents the spirit of forging ahead. The overall design strives to be a popular image with Chinese cultural characteristics.