Loowi Suling @ Loowi artToys
       Loowi® is an original inventor and manufacturer of educational construction artToys.
       Loowi® Suling is a patented DIY construction artToy derived from triangle paper works in Chinese folk, which is flexible and rotatable in fuctions, and lifelike in modelling due to its compact construction and rich colors. Loowi® Suling being a handwork DIY construction artToy, is suitable for being played in kindergardens, children art training centers, junior schools, middle schools, and for being played in families, resthomes, geracomiums, etc.
Animation Demo of Loowi Suling's Functions
Loowi® Suling Product:
Loowi Suling, Customized Colorful Box, Model: LWSL196, Booking No.: 01969
Loowi® Suling, Customized Colorful Box, Model: LWSL196, Booking No.: 01969
Loowi Suling, Customized Colorful Box, Model: LWSL861, Booking No.: 08616
Loowi® Suling, Customized Colorful Box, Model: LWSL861, Booking No.: 08616
Loowi Suling, 5 in 1 Packages, Model LWSL523
Loowi® Suling, 5 in 1 Packages, Model LWSL523
Loowi Suling, Prime Package, Swan, LWSL-TE599
Loowi® Suling, Prime Package, Swan, Model LWSL-TE599

Loowi Suling, Modern Package, Multi-Colors
Loowi® Suling, Modern Package, Multi-Colors

Loowi Suling, Traditional Package, Multi-Colors, Single Color
Loowi® Suling, Traditional Package, Multi-Colors, Single Color

Loowi® Suling, Infinite Creativity + Basic Construction Methods + Points&Lines&Surfaces Assembly = Wonderful Models

       Loowi® Suling is a new construction toy manufactured by Xiamen Loowi Toys Co.,Ltd., which is developed on the basis of Loowi® two founders' first patent on construction toy [Basic Plastic Component with Unique Stereoscopic Structure for Combination Toy, China Patented No. ZL 2009 2 0138631.4] and under the int'l patent protection from PCT (The Patent Cooperation Treaty). Loowi® Suling makes up the blank space among the toys markets around the globe.

Basic Construction Methods of Loowi Suling:
Basic Construction Methods of Loowi Suling

Demo Models of Loowi® Suling:
Demo Modelsof Loowi Suling

       Loowi® Suling passed 3C (China Compulsory Certification, i.e., CCC) certification, the materials of Loowi® Suling are safe to human, please refer to below table of contents:

Fujian Provincial Central Inspection Institute
No. (2010)MJJX-0979
Inspection Standard: China GB6675-2003
Content (mg/kg), White Loowi Suling, Plastics Combination Toy
(Suitable for others materials for toys but molding loam and finger painting pigments)
Element Chromium (Cr) Arsenic (As) Selenium (Se) Cadmium (Cd) Stibium (Sb) Barium (Ba) Lead (Pb) Mercury (Hg)
Standard 60 25 500 75 60 1000 90 60
Sample <0.1 0.2 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.5 0.3 <0.05